Featured material from Eckhart Teachings

Categories: Articles

Q: From the time I was a little girl, I was raised as a Catholic. I went completely full circle to denying God, not believing in God. And now, thanks to a large extent what you teach and share, I know that connectedness is there, awareness, Stillness is there. But I got the thought, why do I pray? Because if God is all-knowing, omnipotent, all-loving, and so on, I don’t think he/she/it needs me to say, “Psst – my friend is dying of cancer, can you help her?” I don’t think it’s necessary, but I enjoy praying. I’d love to hear your thoughts; what would be appropriate to pray for? Do you believe in prayer?

Inspired Stories
Since reading Eckhart Tolle's books, my life has changed considerably. I am now more concerned with living the present moment to the fullest, because as Eckhart says that is the only life we really have. I have also learned to be more compassionate in daily activities, which is something my ego never allowed me to do much. I started living the present moment more about five years ago after some major surgery that really made me think about who I really am...

Inspiring Quotes
From Eckhart Tolle


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Images of Stillness
Images submitted from our members

Image submitted by Ferenc Szabó of Hungary.

Eckhart Teachings often receives inspirational works of art including photos, drawings, paintings, and sketches. Sometimes these images are created as a tribute to Eckhart and his teachings, and sometimes they are inspired by other sources such as the beauty and serenity of nature. This new section is dedicated to sharing your images of Stillness.

If you would like to submit your original painting, sketch, photograph, or other piece of art for possible use in an upcoming newsletter, please email with the subject line “Images of Stillness”.