Hola, I have had read most all the books of Eckhart Tolle and they had changed my life, a friend of mine gave it to me for my fiftieth birthday gift, two years ago…three days after I was laid off from the job where I worked for eighteen years. It is one of the best gifts I had ever received. It opened the gate to a world I thought was lost, and it gave me the understanding and compassion toward those I could not deal with.
It helped me to thin the veil in front of me, like a bride, consciousness had removed the veil from my mind and my heart. I’m committed to staying alert and awake. I suffer less, I don’t deny there are some difficult times where I ask for help and I recognize I must surrender in order for consciousness to flow through me .
There are moments where I feel I’m losing the alertness in me. But the body pain is gone; I swing back and observe myself from a distance. Being aware of the Father and the Mother consciousness in me and in all living beings unconditional love comes easy and flow in all directions. I feel the need in others to be awakened and I am ready with my ears and to pass on the knowledge I had learned from Eckhart Tolle, The Tao The Ching, the Course in Miracles and the Christ letters..
I do forward the present moment reminders to my friends and they always look forward to reading them. I want to thank all of you who keep us alert and help and work with Kim and Eckhart.