My whole life I was interested in spiritual teachings. I did yoga classes and meditation exercises. Ten years ago my husband (who is now my ex-husband) started to listen to videos from Eckhart Tolle. At that time, I could not really grasp the content and was not interested.
Years later, in Africa, I saw a boy offering different books for sale to car drivers in the street. He showed me “A New Earth” and I knew I must have it and read it. I got this book at a time when I was going through a tough life situation. I was far from home, I had difficulties in my relationship with a new partner and my work conditions were stressful.
I started to read and was fascinated. I enjoyed each sentence and was fully alert. From this time on, I remembered myself regularly to be in the moment. I introduced on a voluntary basis “stops” in the flow of my thoughts. In long meetings I observed the spaces between the words, which allowed me to follow and intervene without any effort.
I noticed rapidly, that this knowledge is life changing.
Since then I have read all the books Eckhart has written and I find I am reading them over and over. It never gets boring and there is always something new in it.
I can confirm from my own experience that to bring presence and non-resistance into daily life changes the quality of life and helps to overcome even very difficult obstacles.