Featured material from Eckhart Teachings

Categories: Articles

Q: If Being, or God, is the creative source of all energy and thoughts, and thoughts from the ego are a negative form of energy, don’t these negative thoughts originate from Being?  In other words, did God create evil?

A:  That kind of question has been asked and talked about by many philosophers and it has remained a kind of stumbling block in the Christian religion.  So let’s see what the intuitive answer is.  In this sense-perceived universe, if you want to use anything here to compare God to, the most appropriate thing would be the sun.  The sun is the source of seemingly inexhaustible energy, and the giver of life.  The very heat in your body comes from the sun indirectly.  The sun of course is not eternal, but compared to the human life span it can be considered virtually eternal, it’s so much vaster.  And it gives freely of itself, millions and millions of years of pouring out energy.  Now let’s say the sun is in a process of becoming conscious of itself, because my intuition is the Universe, or rather that which underlies the Universe, or the One behind the many, is in the process of becoming conscious of itself in the dimension of time.  The One also exists in the timeless dimension, where there is no past and future.

So God, to use that word for a while, in the timeless, God is already complete and perfect.  But it seems that in the realm of time, God is becoming conscious through all these life forms.  Now if that were the sun, then in the process of becoming conscious, the sun continuously emits zillions of photons, light particles.  Let’s say the individual photon is part of the process of becoming conscious for the sun.  Now in that process, the individual photon would undergo a change of consciousness arising.  Temporarily, the individual photon, as it becomes together with the sun, as consciousness arises it mis-perceives itself as a separate entity.  It no longer realizes its oneness with the sun.  There’s a continuum, it never really loses connection with the sun.  So temporarily, as part of the process of becoming conscious, it believes itself to be separate.  It’s a temporary thing.  While it believes itself to be separate, it creates all kinds of illusions that reflect the basic illusion of separateness.  That’s basically where we are at, where humanity is at.  The human being is the photon, the sun particle, so to speak.  The consciousness within is the consciousness of God, there’s only one consciousness.  And that consciousness, in the process of the whole becoming conscious, mis-perceives itself temporarily.  And that creates the illusion of separateness in the individual human.  That creates the illusion of the identification with form, which is the illusion of separateness.  That’s seeing oneself as a separate entity.  The stronger that illusion is, the more that gets reflected in its actions outside, which then become deluded.  And that’s called evil.

Ultimately in evil, nothing is destroyed.  The essence of all life forms is eternal.  But on its own level, it’s not pleasant.  From the point of view of the larger whole, it’s only a brief dream episode that takes place as the One is becoming conscious.  So that is the answer to “Did God create evil?”  So the teachings that say that evil ultimately is not real, of course that is correct.  But it’s a question of levels.  If you look at it from one level, it has a certain reality.  The fact that it ultimately is not real does not mean that on this temporary level it does not appear very real.  But it must be recognized as deluded.  Evil can be defined as complete identification with form – that is the illusion.  The more an entity is identified with form, the more evil the entity seemingly creates, and the more suffering is created.  What’s the answer?  The answer of course is why we’re here.  We are the arising of the answer.  The answer is not just the answer, it is the end of the illusion of separateness and the end of so-called evil.

Categories: Inspirational Quotes

“If you can be absolutely comfortable with not knowing who you are, then what’s left is who you are – the Being behind the human, a field of pure potentiality rather than something that is already defined.  Give up defining yourself – to yourself and others.  You won’t die.  You will come to life.”

“Always say yes to the present moment.  Surrender to what is.  Say “yes” to life – and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.”

“Suffering begins when you mentally label a situation as bad.  That causes an emotional contraction.  When you let it be, without naming it, enormous power is available to you.  The contraction cuts you off from that power, the power of life itself.”

-Eckhart Tolle

Categories: Inspirational Story

The School of Practical Philosophy is an organization which started in the United Kingdom and has branches all over the world.  The teachings in the school are similar to those of Eckhart Tolle, in fact, at the Cape Town (South Africa) branch we have had numerous meetings where Eckhart’s DVDs have been screened.

The founder of the school was a Mr Leon McLaren. At one of our meetings our tutor, Don Smith, related an experience he had had with Mr McLaren when he came to Cape Town on a visit.  He enjoyed hiking and Don agreed to take him on a hike up Table Mountain.

At the end of the day they were sitting watching the sun set and Don remarked “Isn’t it a beautiful sunset?”. Mr McLaren looked at him and replied “I agree that its a beautiful sunset but don’t forget for one moment that that which is observing the sunset is infinitely more beautiful”.

Most of us have no problem recognizing beauty outside of ourselves but few of us see it within ourselves,  I always remember this simple story when I feel my sense of self worth diminishing.

-Mike Deeks, Cape Town, South Africa

Categories: Images of Stillness

This month’s image submitted by Ditmar Bollaert.
Photograph taken in India, near Rishikesh along the river Ganges.

Categories: Images of Stillness

This month’s image submitted by Cyntia Holland.

Categories: Articles

There’s a particular dimension where creativity arises.  It’s a little bit like the wick burning the flame, and its sustenance is the oil – it’s in an oil lamp, and you are the flame.  All the analogies, by the way, are very deficient, but it’s just a distant approximation to get you into a sense of what that place is.  So you are the flame, and you feel your way into the very source – down the wick into where the oil is, inside yourself.  That’s the place, the source, so if anything is new, creative, then it has a fragrance of the source.

Somehow, humans, even humans who are still very much identified with their mind, many of them are touched by when they see or hear or whatever – come into contact with – something that came out of that deeper level, whether it’s a work of art, or a piece of music, or it could just be somebody talking.  And the words come from that deeper level.  It could just be somebody who has a good sense of humor – even that is already a form of creativity.  Spontaneous humor is to suddenly see something that one wouldn’t normally see – a connection between two seemingly unconnected things, and suddenly you connect them and everybody laughs.  Some people have that. Some people have one small area in which they can be creative, and that can be enough to provide you with fulfillment and an income, for the rest of your life – and to contribute that gift to others.

Great stand up comedians, for example, have that gift.  Of course, not everything they say is spontaneous, but when they prepare their stuff, they have to be creative.  Now I don’t know if anybody here has tried to be a standup comedian, but it’s difficult.  Many people try.  It’s hard to be funny.  But some have it, and it’s amazing – those few that have that gift.  And there too, the sense of humor is spontaneously something arises, and there it comes.  It’s being in touch with that.  It’s wonderful to be able to be in touch with that, and feel the power that flows from there, out into this world.  Now for that, of course you need some kind of vehicle, because the power needs to flow into some kind of form.

You can touch that place also, within, and it may not flow into creativity, because you have not developed a vehicle for it.  The very same power that gives rise to creativity can also manifest itself in different ways that we would not call creativity.  It could be a healing power that comes into effect the moment you enter into relationships with others.  Healing in a wider sense, not just physical healing.  You will not suddenly become a great musician if you have never touched an instrument, just because you touch that place within yourself.  It’s not going to manifest as a great scientific discovery in my case, because the vehicle is not prepared for that.  My mind is not prepared for that.  It doesn’t even work that way.  So for me to expect to come up with the Unified Field Theory that Einstein didn’t come up with – he tried after the theory of relativity, he tried for the rest of his life to come up with that – I am not going to come up with that.  It’s very unlikely.  The vehicle has not been prepared. I am not going to be a great pianist, because I don’t know how to play the piano.  So no matter how deeply I go within, it’s not going to flow into that.  You need to prepare the vehicle for creativity.

More important than that is the place – to be able to go within to that place of vibrantly alive stillness, where creativity arises.  And you can go in there, and if there’s no vehicle, it will not express itself in any form of creativity, not any conventional form of creativity.  But it may actually express itself in different ways.  I just mentioned one, which is an outflow in human interactions – and outflow of – very hard to put a word to it, but you can sense it, when you meet a person who is present in the interaction.  It’s a different energy frequency that operates.  And that is healing.  It is so formless that it does not require a previously prepared vehicle.  You can just be.  And you emanate Being.

Categories: Inspirational Story

It is the little things that are really the big things.

This year I have been teaching kindergarten students.(5 & 6 yrs ) We start off each morning with a visualization so that we can find the still place that is inside ourselves. When we find that place we can get rid of all the silly stuff that has come in from the playground etc and make room for all the great learning to find its place and settle into our minds.

Throughout the day I ring my special ‘peace bell’ and we have a minute of peace. Usually this is when the class is off task and getting out of sorts. It also gives me a chance to stop still and gather myself rather than losing my patience. Id rather that than feeling ugly, anger is an ugly thing in the classroom.

When we have our minute of peace, I say ‘freeze and breathe’.  For a minute we breath in and out slowly.  At the end i ask them to cup there ears “”Can you hear that?  Can you feel that?” I ask them.  “Its beautiful isn’t it?” I say.  The children agree.  Then the best part, I love to remind them, “that’s who you really are, beautiful, still, calm and full of love and happiness. You know you can go there anytime, anyplace”.

Perhaps it sounds a bit ideal.  They go on to make a racket again in a short time. But my learning is to accept that too as a teacher.

After a year of Mondays only on this class it is lovely to see that children are starting to stop and breathe on their own now, when they come to floor for lessons, standing in line etc and they say “look at me I’m taking my breaths”.

Imagine everyday having this in kindy and right through their schooling , wouldn’t the world be a calmer, more relaxed place to be?


Julie Pappas

Inspired Stories
Since reading Eckhart Tolle's books, my life has changed considerably. I am now more concerned with living the present moment to the fullest, because as Eckhart says that is the only life we really have. I have also learned to be more compassionate in daily activities, which is something my ego never allowed me to do much. I started living the present moment more about five years ago after some major surgery that really made me think about who I really am...

Inspiring Quotes
From Eckhart Tolle


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Images of Stillness
Images submitted from our members

Image submitted by Ferenc Szabó of Hungary.

Eckhart Teachings often receives inspirational works of art including photos, drawings, paintings, and sketches. Sometimes these images are created as a tribute to Eckhart and his teachings, and sometimes they are inspired by other sources such as the beauty and serenity of nature. This new section is dedicated to sharing your images of Stillness.

If you would like to submit your original painting, sketch, photograph, or other piece of art for possible use in an upcoming newsletter, please email with the subject line “Images of Stillness”.